Christainship and End of Season Party News
Hello Grasshoppers!!

Friday, June 8th from 7:00 until 8:00 at the North Campus Sanctuary our Baseball Banquet will be held. All teams will be there for one player from each team to receive the Christianship Award. All of our players have consistently shown a Christian attitude and godly behavior. Although Coach Anthony would love to give the award to a each player, one player will receive this award. Please be there if possible to support your team and team player that receives this award.

Sunday, June 10th from 4:00 until 6:00 we will have our teams End of Season Party. We are having a cookout and swimming party at the Waverly Swim and Tennis Club. (8205 Albemarle Road) Coach Anthony and his wife Daphne will be providing the life guards and the meat for our hotdogs and hamburgers. I will touch base with everyone as to what you should bring. To enter the grounds and join in the eating is free; however, to swim you will need to pay $5.00 per swimmer.

As I mentioned on our phone conversations, please send in $5.00 to my address for each players medallion; I am ordering them today. Thank you.

Last but not least, attached is my mailing address, please donate what you feel appropriate or can for each of our Coaches. (Anthony, Pete and Keith) They have worked hard this season encouraging our team and strengthening their faith as well as the skills each player has for baseball.

Thank you again, should you have any questions, please call me: Home #704-588-6142, Cell #704-713-3950.

My address is: Susan Deen, 9419 Snow Ridge Lane, Charlotte, NC 28278

Updated by  C Deen, Sat Jun 2, 2007 @ 6:54 AM 0 Comments
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